Dave Lim

(Yale-NUS, 2019)

About the artist

Dave Lim, 2019 alumni of Yale-NUS College is a visual artist and filmmaker with a background in documentary and research. His work examines distinct individual responses to larger forces of power such as urbanity and spirituality. He is a frequent collaborator with DASSAD and MPEG, two prominent art collectives based in Singapore. Lim has garnered numerous accolades for his work, including the National Youth Film Awards (2020), NTU Global Digital Art Prize (2019), and the Objectifs Documentary Award (2019).

Malignant Landscapes
Digital print on Awagami paper and two-channel video
Scroll: 185cm x 42 cm
Video duration: 00:04:59

Personal Statement

In Malignant Landscapes, I delved into the influence and significance of individual actions on the urban environment, emphasizing concepts such as ownership, resistance, and power. The artistic process employed encompasses research, interviews, and on-site observations, all aimed at unravelling the complex dynamics at play. Despite the intricacy involved, the resulting exhibit maintains a sense of simplicity, capturing the essence of the subject matter. I aim to encapsulate these contrasting dynamics by incorporating materials that embody the interplay between softness and hardness, further accentuating the thematic exploration. 

An aspect of artwork exhibited involves the utilization of printed images that portray scarred surfaces from areas cleared for development. These images are deliberately subjected to damage through rubbing and sculpting on rocks, thereby creating a visual effect that mirrors the rugged and scarred landscape depicted in the original photographs. Additionally, a two-channel video provides viewers with an immersive documentation of my process within the landscape, highlighting the intricate details of working with the materials on site. By physically representing the scarred landscape, I encourage the viewer to contemplate about the environmental consequences of urban development and the direct impact of individual actions on our surroundings.